
Current outbreaks

What is happening and what you can do.

All current responses to exotic animal and plant pest or disease outbreaks in Australia.

Prepare and respond

How to reduce risks and be outbreak ready.

Find advice on how to prevent, prepare for and respond to an outbreak.

Risks to Australia

Be aware of emerging risks overseas.

See pests and diseases detected near Australia that may pose a risk of an outbreak.

Government role

Biosecurity is a shared responsibility.

See how we work together to respond to outbreaks.

Find outbreaks in a state or territory

Select a state or territory from the map or list to see current responses to outbreaks.

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Latest outbreak updates

  • South Australia
  • Disease
  • Plant
Response to tomato brown rugose fruit virus outbreak in Australia. This includes where it has been detected, restrictions in place, actions you must…
  • Victoria
  • Disease
  • Animal
High pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI), or bird flu, is a viral disease of birds.
  • Queensland
  • Weed
  • Environment
  • Plant
Response to a tropical weeds outbreak in Australia. This includes where it has been detected, restrictions in place, actions you must take, and…

Guides and resources

Media arrangements

Information for media reporting on an outbreak.

Training resources

Help to understand your role in an animal or plant pest or disease outbreak.

Biosecurity contacts

Government and peak industry bodies who have a role in animal and plant health in Australia.

Report a concern

Report anything unusual, even if you’re not sure. Check how to report to the right state or territory authority.